DVDs and Streams
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Streaming Video FAQ, DVD FAQ
- Will the DVD play in my country?
- Are your courses available on DVD or via digital download?
- How do I buy a DVD?
- Is the stream of a course the same as a DVD of the course?
- Do you offer course downloads and downloadable lesson videos?
- If I unsubscribe will I lose access to the course streams that I've purchased?
- I'm watching a course stream and the video is always buffering
- The course stream stops and starts, takes a while to play, and then plays briefly.
- Are my course streams accessible on any computer?
- How do I buy a course stream?
- If I’ve already purchased the course stream, do I get a discount on the DVD version of the same course?
- Can we buy DVDs in bulk (discounted) and/or in a certain speciality, like sculpting?
- Does anything extra come with the DVD?