Stan Winston School of Character Arts provides insider tips and professional techniques from the FX industry's leading artists and technical wizards to help you improve and expand your creative work.
How well you excel in our courses and what you do with what you've learned is up to you. We are just a tool to help you be your best.
To secure a job in this highly competitive industry, the most important thing you will need is an impressive portfolio. The quality of your work is what you will be judged by.
We offer a course series called "The Business of Making Monsters" by Shannon Shea. It covers the ins and outs of getting a job in the FX industry. He shares invaluable tips for putting together a portfolio and resume, the best way to get started, and a tremendous amount of insider knowledge and insight for anyone looking to break into the FX industry.
Here are links to that three-part course series:
Good luck!
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