Live and On-Demand Courses
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Course Overview, Course Availability/Courses Wanted, Course Release Dates, Learning Pathways, Subtitles and Transcripts
- Learning Pathways help you navigate which order to watch the courses.
- How to search for/find a course.
- How do the Live Online Courses work?
- How do I watch the courses?
- How long are the courses?
- Are there time limits to the courses?
- Are there limits on a course's availability?
- Where is the chapter list/materials list for the courses?
- Why are your courses divided into parts?
- I know you periodically offer Live Online Courses, but how do they relate to the On-Demand Course Library?
- How our artists/teachers/instructors and course topics are selected.
- How many courses/videos are available?
- When will the next part of a course series series be released to your on-demand library?
- I'm not sure if you have enough courses
- Are course transcripts available?
- Are there courses available with Spanish captions/subtitles?
- Are there any courses with captions, subtitles, or translations?
- Are you planning on dubbing the courses in other languages?
- Can you have a short course about the basics or simple things, instead of having it in a longer course?